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1. Fishing Gear

Fishing gear are generally grouped into five categories, the first three are the only gear allowed for use in Canada. Here are the five main categories:

Nets: Nets vary in shape and size; some allow fish to swim through them while others are pulled through the water. Common types of nets, dredges, trawl nets, purse seines, beach seines, trammel nets, gillnet, nets and lift nets.

Hooks and lines: Hook and the like generally comes in many forms, including poles, hand lines, long lines and trolling lines. Usually baited hooks to attract fish.

Traps: Traps are usually limited jail space for both fish and invertebrates.

Grappling device: This is usually used for the purpose of a single fish or mammals. This design includes arrows, spears, and spears.

Stupefying devices: These teeth are used to immobilize the fish using explosives or a combination of chemicals. However, Canada banned the techniques of fishing for reasons of poisoning of fish and other aquatic creatures live.

2. Awareness on the Use Rights Fishing Gears

Because of concern for aquatic life in Canada, awareness about the correct use of fishing gear has been used to alert fishermen to cooperate and follow the guidelines in fishing. Various organizations work hand in hand to achieve the preservation of Canada aims to fishing gear. These objectives include:
Carp Fishing rods
- Maximizing the option to fish the size of the target

- Increase the presence of fish sanctuaries continue

- Reducing the impact on the aquatic environment

- Reduce wastage of fish

- Decrease in fishing with nets unwatched

3. Technology Management of Fishing Gears

Development and implementation of the conservation of marine environments and different aquatic species has increased and conserve marine resources in Canada. Canadian fishing gear designed to reduce the risk of loss and ruin of individuals living in the lake water. Because all organizations that have contributed to the preservation of Canada's water, Canada is still a world-class fishing nations.

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