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Author: forum lat
If you decide that you need a new rod, then you probably already know what you want and why, or you may buy your first rod and do not know what to look for.
Here's what you need to think about.

1. Types of fish that you do will determine what type of fishing rod you need. Sea fishing rod requires a different kind compared to trout fishing, spear fishing or salmon fishing.

2. You will need to determine whether this new rod will be an additional rod is used to capture something special, or whether it will be your main stem, that you will use all the time.

3. How often do you go fishing can also help you decide which type of rod that is right for you. If you go fishing as often as you can, then you will want a different kind of rod, than if you just go fishing once or twice a year.

4. The length of your rod may be an important consideration for you. If you're wearing waders and fish standing on the river, or on the banks of the river a lot, then you may want a shorter shaft than if you fish from the lake. This is because you do not want your rod or line to get caught up on each branch.
5. Depending on the type of fish you are doing, and how often you fish, you are probably looking for a light rod. Some anglers like a heavier rod, because they feel give them more control, while others like the trunk light.

6. Remember that you will hold your stick for a long time at a stretch, so you'll need a new stick you to feel comfortable. What seemed comfortable in a magazine ad or a review, perhaps not so convenient when your hands are cold and wet at the end of the fishing day.

7. If this new rod is an additional rods, or one that will not be used too often, then you will want to make sure that you can use the tablet with it. You will not want to have to buy a new fly fishing reel if you do not need.

8. You will need a new rod you will be easy to assemble and take it apart again quickly. You also may want to try it with gloves on as well, to ensure that it is not too complicated.

9. You may have several brands in mind already, and you may night have a particular trunk that you want to try. If you're new to fishing, then there may be many brands you've never heard of, and you should not ignore about them. You might find that perfect rod you not what you thought it would.

10. It's important that you do not choose your next rod on cost. It is false economy to compromise, or put up with something you dislike, uncomfortable, or not what you need, just to save a little money. If you do not like your new rod, then you will not use it as much, and therefore will be a waste of money. It makes sense to get it right first time.

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