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Author: forum lat
1. First, the easiest thing to check is your grip. If your grip is too strong (the hands are positioned too far right on the grip) then this can promote a closed club face, promoting the hook. Weaken your grip by making sure your thumb pointing straight in the middle of the shaft, instead of to the right.
2. Next, you'll want to focus your attention to your posture. Hold your club directly in front of you. If you stand too upright, your swing may tend to be slightly too wide and your hands may be less active during the ball coming. A good drill to improve your posture is to hold the grip end of the club level with your belt buckle, effectively making the "T" with your body and club. Now hold your arm out and extend away from your belt buckle, then bend over until the club touches the ground. This will give you proper posture to hitting the golf ball.
3. The third step to improve your golf links is to use a drill famous headgear. Just pull out one cover your head and place it under his right arm. Now take some practice swings keep the head cover under your arm. This drill forces you to keep your right elbow close to your body, promoting a proper swing plane, reducing the likelihood of the hook.
4. One of the most important tips to remember in your efforts to improve your golf hook is to shift your weight to your front foot. This is the single most common cause of the hook and one of the best solutions to cure the hook. Be sure to finish your swing with your weight on the leading foot.
5. Finally, check your swing path. A good way to visualize this is to image the clock on the ground in front of you. Your target is at 12 o'clock. Those who connect the ball tends to swing a club on the road swing 7:00 to 1:00. A proper swing path will go from 6:30 to 11:30 on the backswing to the follow-up. To improve your golf links, check your swing path and make appropriate adjustments and you will see results.

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